Are you stressed by running a busy household, juggling kids and work and could simply use some help with the mundane tasks? I provide a family PA service covering all of the things you keep putting off, through lack of time and oomph.
Are you a small business in need of a PA to help with your administrative tasks but don’t want an employee? I can step in and take a load off.
Are you looking for help organising corporate hospitality, a party or a one-off event and don’t have the resources? I’m happy to be your extra pair of hands.
Are you a shop owner and need someone you can call on when you’ve been let down by staff to come and assist on short notice? Call me, if I’m available, I shall come.
Are you working two jobs, caring for others and just need an extra pair of hands from time to time? You can pick me up and drop me as and when you need to.
Are you just a bit overwhelmed and overloaded? You’ve come to the right place!
Whoever you are, whatever your reasons, if you need some help then you’ve found the right person. Just tell me what you need me to do. I’ve made LISTS of the things I can do so if there’s something else that you need, and it’s not on my list then let me know and I’ll check if I can add it. I do love a list! And a gallery… I like those too!